Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I haven't updated for a while. I've been hard at work getting the projector setup properly. It's way more involved than I ever imagined, but I really enjoy the learning experience.

I put up some dvd shelves I bought online. They look great and store all my dvd's, games and hddvd's high enough that the kids can't mess with them. I'll post some pictures soon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Carpet done!

Yesterday the carpet was finished. I vacuumed it clean of fuzzies and then finished mounting the screen wall panels. It looks awesome! Now I just need to line up the picture a little better and calibrate the projector and sound. That's the fun stuff!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Carpet and screen wall panels

The carpet guys are here from Dalton Carpet. It'll be so nice to have this done. I'm hoping it'll help the acoustics of the room.

Last night I finished the screen wall panels. The fabric was from and is perfect. One side has a shine to it, the other side has a stronger pattern but is deeper black. I tested some of the smaller panels and it really sucks up the light! excellent.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Screen wall

Yesterday I built and painted the panels for the screen wall. They look great! I was able to fabric two of them last night and test fit them. Tomorrow the carpet guys arrive. Once that is done I can mount the panels.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Almost done!

I taped the rec room to get ready for painting this afternoon. Here's some pictures of the basement at this stage.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Yesterday I had four different inspections. The city and the bank wanted to reassess our property. The building and electrical inspectors were here too. I passed building but the electrical guy had a laundry list of things to fix. Those are all done so I'll have him back monday to close the permit.

Things to finish yet:
1) Paint the rec room side.
2) Fix the screen. The fabric is badly wrinkled.
3) Install the light trim on the rec room side.
4) Clean up the floor (carpet?).
5) Build the frames for the false wall, paint them and add black fabric.

That's all I can think of right now. My xbox 360 is finally dead. I got a great deal on an arcade bundle from Dell so that should arrive next week.

The best resolution so far on Port 3 of the Barco is 1366x768. It looks incredible with HD source content!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

HVAC and Doors

Yesterday my friend Brian stopped by and we hung both doors and installed and connected the heat vent and air return. Thanks Brian! It went really well. I'm glad we bought prehung doors!

I also called Behr paint a few days ago and talked to them about the burnishing issues I'm having with their flat black paint. I sent them a copy of my receipt and they're reimbursing me for the paint. I'll need another gallon to go over some spots and to paint the framing for the screen wall, so this helps me out. I'm glad they're willing to stand behind their product.